[quote=@Leviathan] finished. [hider=Violet De La Fontaine] [color=#a028f7][h2]“The steel blade tears up my wings.”[/h2][/color] [center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/2mwozt.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Violet De La Fontaine [b]Age:[/b] 18½ [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Height:[/b] 5’5" [b]Weight:[/b] 108lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Violet has grown bitter due to the life she had no say in. Now that her husband has passed from old age and the nightmare ended she is finally free to do what she wants. Violent hardly smiles but when she does it can warm even a broken warrior’s heart, piecing it back together again. The slender woman carries a cold and distant demeanor but when one breaks through that solid guard they will find no one more devoted or passionate. She is trustworthy, always following through with promises, and has her head on straight. She gives into her emotions a bit too often, however. When angry one will know, and when distraught, one will know. Sometimes she lets impulses take over and this leaves her venerable, in battle and out. [b]History:[/b] One of the unfortunate to be birthed into a poor family but she knew love as her mother, father, and elder sister Amber cared deeply for her. Days were spent working but also in play and though they had little they wanted for nothing. Her father was one of the hardest workers she knew and her mother one of the most generous of women. When they were old enough to travel to town on their own, Amber and Violet began helping out with deliveries and shopping. They stumbled upon a parade in The Royal City one spring day. Admiring all the nobles and their grand attire Violet had unknowingly caught the attention of such a man. He sent one of his servants to follow the ten and thirteen year old's home so he could know of their location for future reference. A week later their cottage received a knock on the door followed by a dignified guest. He was accompanied by soldiers and asked to speak with the girl’s parents. Violent and Amber were sent to fetch fruit from the woods as they spoke but when they returned the man and his guards were departing. Their parents seemed unnerved and angry but would not reveal any information. A week later he returned only to be turned away once more. This went on for two weeks before Violet was out on an errand with Amber and cornered. With her sister suddenly nowhere to be found the man introduced himself as Comte De La Fontaine and handed her a note supposedly written by her parents. Inside revealed a harsh truth; she was sold to this aristocrat for debt they owed. She did not find out until years later that her family was slaughtered by this man because they did not want to give her up, and that the note had been written by a solider she had later grown to trust and love. With tears beginning to stream down her angelic face the ten year old left heartbroken and terrified. There was little she could do but go willingly since no one would protect her now, and she had no family any longer. Introduced to luxury it did not take the young girl long to become accustomed to a life of riches. Anything she wanted she received without objection but all the wealth in the land could not fill the void she constantly felt. They were officially wed on her sixtieth birthday, a notable celebration in Andria and also one of the lowest points in Violets life--aside from losing her family. Her husband, thrice her age had become an important figure in military thus needed to spend more time away from Violet, which she was thankful for. On his days away she fell in love with one of her personal guards who taught her how to fence. She took to the weapons and style with ease and a grace unmatched by many due to the magician blood flowing through her veins. [b]Likes:[/b] [indent]+ Nature + The finer things in life + Tranquility + Adventure[/indent] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [indent]- Liars - People who pick on the weak - Loneliness - Judgement[/indent] [b]Starting Faction:[/b] Free Roamer [b]Magic Shade:[/b] Yellow [b]Manifestation:[/b] Duel Rapiers [b]Musical Theme(s):[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtqMOKuUNHs]Replica - Solid State Society[/url] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]Heir to an estate with servants, and funds. Has participated in contests except the Coliseum but wishes to partake in a battle there one day. Ambidextrous. Deciding that one rapier was simply not enough she chose two, a signature style she is known for and that few others have attempted. [/indent][/center][/hider] I did the work for you if accepted: [hider=Icon] [img]http://i62.tinypic.com/minvad.jpg[/img] [code][img]http://i62.tinypic.com/minvad.jpg[/img][/code] [/hider][/quote] Wow, tyvm for the image, big help. Also, yeah, rapiers would be considered yellow magic.