Nadia covered her ears with her hands as she stayed squatting there under the lobby table. Everything happened so suddenly. She was just walking there, wondering what she should do since she won a trip there and was looking at the activities available when suddenly people started to vomit, attacking each other. In the middle of all the fuss of people attacking each other, she hid under the lobby table, wondering what the hell was going on. Trying to breathe as quietly as possible, she soon dared herself to take a peek from the lobby table. Bad mistake, for there was puke all over and the stench was just getting to her. She went back to under the table, which seemed to be her only safe spot. Remembering she had a phone, she hurriedly took it out, only to find that there was no signal. Sighing, she kept her phone and looked around nearby. There were drawers and a key. She took the key and unlocked one of the drawers, to find a radio. Probably for the crew. Hastily, she took it and found out how to turn it on. Apparently it was kept for emergency purposes and the battery seemed to be full. "H-hello..?" She said into the crew radio. "If someone can hear me, please, help me. I'm at the lobby and I'm afraid from coming out from under the table" she said to the radio as soft as she could manage.