Pamela thought on that for a moment. "its not really being a good person. I just...know from experience. And from being blind since birth" She said softly, "No one believed it when I could say that something was red, or that I could describe what someone looked like, or when things happened seconds, minutes after I said they would. They all thought I was crazy. So I came here. And realised I'm pretty normal here" She gave a soft laugh. Lance happily lapped at Nick's face. and when he rose, Lance placed his paws on Nicks legs, clearly wanting more pats as he let out a whine. At the question about what to do, Pamela said "Ah. Well. There's breakfast, and then there's classes. The quicker you master your abilities, the quicker you can be outside" [i]Unless[/i] she thought [i]The government or the school can find a use for you[/i] That was a bitter thought, and one she had no idea where it came from. Didn't make it any less true. "What classes do you have?"