Nick grunted in pain, and then constantly kicked the angry chick in the face, once. twice. fifteen times. until her face was nothing but a messed up abomination that looks like modern art, [b]Thats for my shoes![/b] Nick said to the girl, nobody messed up Nicks shoes, brushing his jacket a bit he gotten back on the bar stool, with his head down he asked for a vodka, but he wasn't answered, nick asked yet again, but no answer finally he lifted his head sluggishly about to ask Again about the vodka and noticed the bartender was actually in the corner, stabbed multiple times, Nick picked up the girls knife and walked over to him, the dude wasn't breathing, there wasn't any sound coming from him except from a small headset he was wearing, Nick picked it up and spoke into the headset [b]Uhh hey, this is uh me, my names Nick green and a girl just attempted to kill me and a bartender was killed mysteriously, I'm in the bar, what the hecks going on?![/b]