Murmurs arose from among the clattering of steel, anxious remarks over how the battle would go. The tunnel leading to the gates was dark, dimly lit by torches but all could see the worry on the soldier next to them. It was those heavy minutes before battle, not knowing if this would be your last day or not. for the recruits, the feelinfs were so much more intesne, some even praying openly to ask to see the sunset. Both rider and mount stood silently as statues, an isle of calm surrounded by onlookers in awe. If one of them would dare to look Alere in the eyes they would see he wasn't who he normally was. A nonchalant tension like a viper poised to strike, the aura of a killer, truly terrifying.“There's no poetry in me, Wallguards. No fine words." He stared down at the recruits, his gaze seeming to consume them. "be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for our home" Some seemed inspired; a soldier who would do anything to protect what was dear to him. Other folk thought it was simple bloodlust, a berserk savagery that neither knew nor cared what its target was, and so it was when it struck without warning. But Alere knew if he gave himself to it knowingly, it was as cold as it was hot, as rational as it was lethal. To embrace the Rage was to embrace a splendor, a glory, a denial of all restraint but not of reason. It was pure, elemental purpose, unencumbered by compassion or horror or pity, yet it was far more than mere frenzy. Raum mirrored his emotions as the gates opened, letting light stream into the tunnel. That moment of calm bursted away as he let out an roar, joined by Raum's thundering call and threw them forward into an unholy carnage of blood, fangs, steel, and death. Spears stabbed at her, snapping like toothpicks on her iron hide as goblins were torn asunder left and right, ripped to shreds by her claws or horribly broken by Alere's heavy sword. At one point he must have dismounted Raum as he found himself standing among goblin corpses, all slain by his hand. They were making good progress, most of the goblins being forced through him and the more experienced Wallguards, while the recruits had to mostly deal with stragglers. The display of carnage by their superiors also bolstered their courage. With cries of victory echoing already. But he knew, Alere knew this would be only the first wave, a prodding of their defenses, find their weaknesses. But they would find none, the wall would stand, as it always had. A loud snort brought him back to the battle as he stood face to face with a horse-sized boar, its tusks covered in steel to make them even more deadly. Its rider goaded it forward with a shriek, trying to impale Alere and run him over. The stampeding of hooves, the warcries, the sound of his sword hitting the ground. No time to run, to roll to the side, the beast would be upon him. The boar shrieked again, not in anger but in agony this time. It was stopped dead in its tracks, hooves futily treading the dirt. Somehow, Alere had managed to seize it by its tusks, fingers digging in deeply enough to leave dents on the metal. through gritting teeth he forced the beast to a standstill, much to the amazement of onlooking soldiers and goblins. With an unearthly roar he gathered his strength, lifting the boar and slamming it on its side, crushing its poor rider and snapping the deadly teeth off. Once he was certain the beast was out of commision he gathered his sword and stumbled back a few paces, drawing heavy breaths. The exertion combined with the drain of healing made him feel a bit woozy. he whistled and within seconds Raum was by his side, shielding him from the remaining goblin forces as he tried to regain his composure, taking the time to try and see how the rest of the battle was going.