[h1]Mathew Holems[/h1] "[color=fff79a]...And so after that, I was always careful not to touch strange plants[/color]" Mathew had just finished telling his Griffin ride a really long story. As he did, he noticed the Academy closing in "[color=fff79a]is that place? I have to admit, it's not what I expected. I had thought it would look more like a castle. However, this does look much more interesting then I had envisioned.[/color]" A smile slowly broke out onto his face. Not long after that, they landed. Getting off his mount, Mathew said "[color=fff79a]again; thank you for ride here good sir[/color]" he bowed a little to the Griffin, who bowed his head in return before taking off. Before Mathew could do anything else, an announcement was broadcasted...one that the headmaster seemed to hijack "[color=fff79a]well, if the headmaster is any indication, this promises to be a very entertaining experience[/color]" he said as he readjusted his backpack. "[color=fff79a]It'll be interesting; not having to hide my heritage here. I dare say it might even take quite a bit of getting used to[/color]" he thought to himself as he made his way to the main hall