For any new comers, story so far: Jimmy fought for his life in the Sushi Bar, killing three of the infected. A fourth came for him, and he tried to hide but he was discovered. Luckily for him, Diana intervened and together they killed their attacker. Stevie develops a stealing addiction, kills the infected captain, takes the captain’s stuff and hatches a plan to sell the ship to the ghost of Saddam Hussein. Devon agrees to help Stevie get out of the room he’s trapped in, which is guarded by three crazies. Nick chats a girl up. His pick up line is poorly received, instantly transforming the girl into an infected. Nick beats the girl for a range of reasons, survival being the least of them, and the condition of his shoes being the foremost. Then he grabs a headset and tries to talk to someone. Sierra was making her rounds, when she stumbled into a crazy. She ran into 7B where she is holed up tight. She tried to make contact with Jimmy, but Jimmy got distracted. Nadia is hiding under a lobby table, desperately trying to reach someone. Then she reached someone, but in doing so gave away her hiding spot to a crazy, who is currently debating on whether or not to eat her eyes, or just out right kill her. Tindy almost got ganked by her manager, Paul, who was probably an arse before he became crazy. He had her cornered, but luckily the lift arrived, was empty, and she hopped on. Destination: Second Floor