Ella pressed her back against the counter in the kitchen she was stuck in. All she wanted was to sink through the ground and disappear, to escape the terrible and aggressive banging on the door, and the screams echoing through the vents that travelled through the ship. She had no idea how many of those people where outside in the restaurant she not so long ago had worked a shift in. So recently, that the blood from one of her colleges, that now adorned her white shirt, hadn't even had time to dry. It had all happened so quickly. It had been so calm and quiet in the absolutely beautiful restaurant, and she had just served a table of four when a young man stood up, grabbing his knife and stabbed Sara in the eye. After that, hell broke loose. Ella soon found herself in the kitchen, all alone. She wasn't really sure how she got there, and she didn't know where the cooks were. Maybe they had gone to get help? Who knew.. What she did know was that she alone, with a bunch of violent people in the next room, desperately trying to get thorugh the doors. Ella crawled to the corner of the counter and looked towards the doors; they won't hold much longer. She must find a new safe place to hide. So, she leaned back again and picked up the crew radio, turning it on. [color=9e0039]"Hello, this is Ella Jones. I'm in Top Floor's kitchen. It's safe for the moment, but not for much longer. Is anyone there, who can tell me if there are any safe places on this ship?"[/color] She spoke, and pushed herself up to her feet. She walked over to another couter and picked up the knife that lied there. The knife felt heavy in her hand as she looked around the room to find a way out. The only thing she found was the food and product elevator. Could that work?