[quote=@Guess Who] Basically, the 30mm cannon has a plane attachment. [/quote] Ahem. [i]"This is the kind of gun they used to put planes on. It wasn't a case of 'Oh, we got this jet fighter, it kinda needs something besides missiles and bombs and shit, let's strap this thing on'. NO. It was a case of a guy making a gun SO awesome, that he just stepped back, and said, "This shit needs to fly'. And everyone else is like, 'You can't make a gun fly!'. And the first guy is all like, 'Fuck you, yes I can. I will strap a plane to this gun.' And everyone's like, 'You mean strap the gun to a plane?' And the first guy is like, 'No, man. I am strapping the plane to the gun. The plane is an accessory.' And then everyone's minds were blown. Like, there was some serious mind blowing going on there. Ears were bleeding. Synapses just went and committed suicide because it was so awesome."[/i] - Smith, BOrangeFury's Fallout Let's Play