[h2]Dragon:[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Nexias [b]Dragon age:[/b]Adult [b]Age from hatching:[/b] 250 [b]Magic: [/b]Shadow and Madness, He is able to solidify, manipulate, and energize shadows, making them into a variety of constructs, be they animate or inanimate, as well as replicate the effects of other elements by making the shadow take on the aspects of it, ex. Shadow lightning. He can also take the shape of a shadow to escape from most, if not all situations, and he can even shape shift into other people and creatures. Madness allows him to drive those of weak will and low power into Insanity, then he can control them through their insanity as well. Madness also has the ability to mutate life, turning it into a twisted version of what it once was. Anything that he changes with magic can be reverted with little difficulty, and he can even choose how they will go insane. It can be a bout of paranoia, a loss of inhibitions, anything he can think of. Even if the target has a strong will, he can influence them heavily into a type of insanity, giving them whisperings of paranoia, make them more likely to act without rational thought, or make them think they want to waddle around and cluck like a chicken. The only one's to be completely unaffected by this magic are Great GrandFather/GrandMother Dragons, and even then, it's only a matter of time. [b]Dragon looks:[/b] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130505121826/mightandmagic/en/images/thumb/6/61/Heroes_VI_Shadow_Dragon_Artwork.png/500px-Heroes_VI_Shadow_Dragon_Artwork.png[/img] "When facing such a fine specimen as myself the proper procedure is to bow down and tremble. Failure to comply will be met with fierce devouring or driving you insane. The choice of punishment, as well as the choice of insanity bestowed, belongs to me" [b]Compact looks:[/b] [img]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll164/Notyetdone/Anime/wings-vampire-blackandorange-1.jpg[/img] "Hide, from what? Humans, the hell for, I'm a free spirit, mother fucker, I hide from no one.": [b]Personality:[/b] Nexias, or Nex as he likes to be called, is insane. He loves nothing more than to fight, whether it be demons, dragons, even humans, it rely doesn't matter to him. And while he threatens it a lot, he has never killed anybody in a fight and doesn't plan to anytime soon. Out of all the dragons, he's one of the few, if not the only one, that doesn't hide his dragon features when in his compact form. He's proud of his heritage, and anyone who wants to insult dragon's as a whole better do it out of his ear shot unless they want their face to meet his fist. [b]Background:[/b] TBA [h2]Demons:[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Insomnium, Morpheus, Azous, Gaiden, [b] Age:[/b]He doesn't remember [b]Personality:[/b] It changes with his form, as does his name, making it hard to strike find him if you don't know them all. Insomnium is a berserker in battle, ripping apart anything in his path, but in life he's a rather gentle and childish. Morpheus is rather mysterious, preferring not to speak, but to observe. He hardly acts upon anything that doesn't involve him in some way, and is known to give gifts to some of the people he observes, though no one knows why. Gaiden is fairly hot-headed and, being the most human looking of all the forms, is usually the form taken when dealing with them is needed and violence is unwise. Gaiden loves to party and loves hanging out with humans, especially the women. Something about the way a human smells sets his soul aflame with passion, though he is hardly ever recieved with ooen arms. Azous is believed to be the original form, but none of the others are sure. His attitude is summed up in one word, Lazy. Azous will do nothing unless he is threaten by certain death, and thus [b] Looks:[/b] Doesn't remember his original form, assumed to be Azous [b]Powers:[/b] Each Persona has a different power, Gaiden has extremely good healing factor, making him basically immortal, but is only a physically and magically capable as a human. Insomnium has berserker rage, thick hide and scales, incredible dense body, but his mind is easily invaded by mental abilities and magic. Morpheus has self reproduction, meaning he can clone himself, and Azous is separated from reality, making him unaffected by everything, but making him unable to affect anything as well. Basically, he's a ghost. [b]Alternative looks[/b] [list] [*]Insomnium: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs12/i/2006/288/8/1/Shadow_Dragon_by_NeoRagnarok.jpg[/img] [*]Gaiden: [img]http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn265/funnyman290/-anime-guy.jpg[/img] [*]Morpheus [img]http://darkdamnedsoul.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/6/6/10665796/7256710_orig.jpg?673[/img] [/list] [b]Background[/b]: TBA [b]Did they escape the hunters prison?[/b] Yes