[center]+[b]HIKARU[/b]+ Hikaru felt the bed incline when Kenji got in and he placed the blanket over his body. He didn't normally like Kenji in his bed because it would get too hot with both of them in there, especially in summer, but he made exceptions when Kenji had nightmares or whenever he asked him. Hikaru found it hard to say no to Kenji sometimes. It was if he had a spell on him or something. Hikaru pushed the covers off him but left them on Kenji, propping his head in his hand, his body turned sideways," I see." He smiled in the darkness, brushing his fingers through Kenji's black hair, " At least it wasn't Shinji this time." He had warned Kenji about being so brash about things, but it seemed like his words had gone to waste. " Ah, we have school tomorrow so get some sleep. You'll be tired in the morning." He patted his head affectionately, laying back into the bed. Hikaru hadn't realized that it was the dark hour because his attention had all been on Kenji, but something in the back of his mind told him to be careful. " Goodnight Kenji," +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Once in the safety of his own room, Lance looked around. The lights were still out so he couldn't examine his room properly. But from what he could see, there was just a bed, a desk, and a bookshelf. Pretty simple. Plain. But he liked it. Back at home in England, he lived in a giant mansion, but his room was kind of like this one. It made him feel like home. Making his way through the darkened room, Lance reached his bed without hurting himself and sat down, taking a deep sigh. He had heard the guy in the hallway say that there was school the next morning, so sleep seemed like the best choice. Lance shrugged out of his jacket and placed it onto of his suitcase. He would get the other two that were downstairs later. He didn't want to heave them up the stairs in the darkness. Still wearing his shirt and pants, Lance settled down in his bed and closed his eyes. His Ipod was never too far from him and just happened to be in his pocket, so he turned it on and put in his headphones. The first song was a rap song. Lance might not look it, but he enjoyed all ranges of music. He closed his eyes and prepared for sleep. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Because Momo wasn't paying attention, he didn't notice Pikachu entering his room. He had gotten dressed with his back turned to the robot so seeing it was impossible. He also had headphone in and was listening to music, thus he couldn't hear Pikachu either. Also because of this, he did not hear Sunako when she knocked on his door. Momo laid there listening to Lady Gaga's 'bad romance', moving his foot back and forth to the rhythm. When the song ended, he was just about to close his eyes when he heard something move around in his room. Instantly on guard, Momo sat up and clenched his fists, ready to punch out a shadow if it got near him. But to his surprise, the rustling was coming from the floor. He peaked over his bed, ready to find a shadow waiting there, but found Pikachu instead. And the reason for the rustling was there too. The damn thing was looking through his journal!! He had been in math class, not paying attention, and had written Sunako's name over and over again, sometimes with hearts, sometimes with stars surrounding her name. " Damn pest!" He yelled, reaching down and grabbing Pikachu by the tail. " I'll teach you a lesson once and for all!" He got out of bed and stomped to the window, still holding the robot by the tail. He managed to open the window with one hand and held Pikachu outside of it, dangling in the air two stories high. " Yeah, don't like that, do you?" He snickered, shaking his hand to make Pikachu sway in the air. +[b]KIMIKO[/b]+ Kimiko looked down at the remote, wondering what it was for. The top looked like Pikachu's tail, so she assumed the two were connected. Trust Shinji to be two steps ahead of everyone else! Her assumptions were right as he explained what it was for, " O-okay." Kimiko jumped a little when a sound came from their right, her head immediately snapping to the side to see what had caused it. But nothing was there. Her grip on Shinji's sleeve tightened, " I don't have my weapon, but i have my evoker..." she said uncertainly, not a hundred precent sure if she had brought it with her or not.[/center]