Rebound raised an eyebrow at Mia's sharp retorts and huffing attitude. Well, he couldn't have expected less. Even when she knew who he was it wasn't like they'd been friends. He'd helped her out now and again with her reintegration after she'd had a reset day. He was pretty sure this was one of those days. He sighed and said, "I don't care, really. But you may as well let me show you the way to wherever it that you're going, since it's obvious that you had a reset day today." He held out his hand. "I'm Rebound. We know each other, sort of." He deliberately didn't make eye contact with her as he offered his hand, instead staring off to the side. Mia was an enigma. She was the only person at this school he didn't really have to worry about getting close to, because even if he did, she would forget him in a couple weeks anyways. There was little chance she would be able to take advantage of him if she couldn't even find her way around without a map. Still, he wasn't very good at social interactions. The other students at this school, they thought of him as someone to be avoided. Not that he discouraged that sort of thinking. It made his life easier. He didn't really know Mia well enough to know if she thought that way about him as well. On most of their previous interactions, he'd simply shown her around, she would thank him, then he'd be on his way. Beyond that, the only real interaction they'd had was if she waved at him now and again, which would draw questioning looks from the other students. She was a friendly sort of person, that much he'd picked up. He also knew she could take care of herself in a pinch. He'd once seen her body slam an older student who'd been picking on her. He'd allowed himself the barest hint of a smile at the sight. Who knew that such a friendly and apparently helpless girl could pack such a wallop.