He thought for sure that she would take the bait. There was rarely a girl that couldn't be wooed with money- or perhaps that was just the crowd he was use to. If he knew she was going to be so... headstrong he would have tried a different tactic. He stood to his feet as well "hang on, I'm sorry if I offended you but you look a lot like this girl. I just thought you'd be more interested in the money than anything else but then I don't know anything about you." "If you could just listen for a moment. Just a moment longer." Obviously she was already fed up with him. "This guy, Finnegan, head of the company- well he's been looking for his sister for close to ten years. I don't know... maybe it would do some good for him to be lied to." He scribbled down his phone number. "Just... give it some thought. Life is hard. You might find you want to give being a princess a shot. Just give me a call." He said handing her the slip of paper.