Ella was in the middle of trying open the food elevator when someone answered her over the radio, it was a guy. [color=9e0039]"The bar on the second floor, huh?" [/color]She said to herself. She knew where that was. The problem was, to get there she had to go through an other restaurant, then a small hallway and then a lobby. But she didn't really have a choice, did she? So, both willigly and a bit hesitantly she curled up in the rather small food elevator, and pressed the botton down before she pull down the door the best she could. The elevator shook slightly as it moved downwards, possible not as much as Ella shook because of the adrenaline pumping through her veins. The elevator suddenly stopped, causing it to shook violently one last time. Ella pulled up the door slightly, not more than a few inches. She listened... No sound, at least not near by. Carefully, Ella stepped out of the food elevator. She moved quietly over the white, kitchen floor and then through the dining room of the restaurant. When she reached the lobby, numerous of screams were audible, some nearer than others. A part of her wanted to help them all, but a part of her told her that she couldn't trust anyone. That's when she realized that she had trusted the boy on the radio to go to the bar, this made her stop dead in her tracks in the middle of the lobby. Ella had no idea what the boy's intentions were. Maybe it was a trap. But it was too late to turn back now, and she was too exposed in the lobby to stay there. She had no other choice than to go into the bar, and hope for the best. Ella moved the radio to her mouth as she moved closer to the entrance of the bar; [color=9e0039]"I'm outside the bar. If this is a trap... I swear to god, I will not hesitate to kill you." [/color]