[H3]ACCEPTED[/H3] [CENTER][IMG]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100122064921/marvel_dc/images/5/55/Onomatopoeia_015.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]| NAME: |[/B] [INDENT]Jerome 'Jerry' King[/INDENT] [b]| ALIAS: |[/b] [INDENT]Onomatopoeia [I]In Disguise[/I] Baphomet[/INDENT] [b]| INMATE NO.: | [/b] [INDENT]711102[/INDENT] [b]| APPEARANCE: |[/b] [INDENT][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/yzek3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2vnknpk.jpg[/IMG] Onomatopoeia's usual outfit consists of reinforced black gloves, knee high black steel toe motorcycle boots, kevlar pants, a shirt made with both kevlar and ceramic plates reinforcing it, and a long kevlar and nomex lined black trench coat. To cover his face, Onomatopoeia wears a full, black hood decorated by concentric white circles. This hood contains armored plating to protect Onomatopoeia from head attacks as well as a bloodpack in the forehead between two armor layers that when struck will explode allowing Onomatopoeia to play opossum and take his foe by surprise, a technique employed also by Batman and Deadshot. Outside of costume, Jerome King is a rather plain and unassuming man with a close shave haircut and coarse five o'clock shadow. Often wearing a wrinkled pair of trousers and ruffled dress shirt, Jerome works as an insurance adjuster in a mild and unassuming white collar office.[/INDENT] [b]| HISTORY: | [/b] [INDENT]Growing up in Star City, Jerome 'Jerry' King was a star student and athlete with a very promising potential. During his youth and even into his adult years, Jerome practiced numerous martial arts in order to keep in shape along with participated in track and field. Graduating with top honours and as his class' valedictorian, Jerome went on to attend university in Star City eventually graduating a doctor in linguistics. Marrying his high school Jane Patricks sweetheart after university, Jerome opened his own practice in speech therapy becoming a very successful and wealthy doctor. About a year after their marriage, Jane announced herself to be pregnant and eventually gave birth to a beautiful daughter the pair decided to name Charlotte. However, while Jerome seemed to lead a silver spoon life, his world was turned upside down the year of his daughter's thirteenth birthday. Coming home from work one day, Jerome found his wife and daughter raped and murdered in their home, victims of the latest crime wave of the serial rapist Mad Dog Hawkins. Discovering their bodies displayed in their chairs at the kitchen table, their fingernails painted with their own blood, and their heads severed and placed on the others' body. Jerome's mind cracked as he slipped into a zombie-like state unable to cope with the trauma before him. Continuing to attend work, Jerome left the bodies as they were, coming home everyday to have dinner 'with' them. Eventually he suffered a total break down at work, the police discovered the scene at his house horrified by the decaying bodies. Blamed for the murders of his own family, Jerome was placed in psychiatric care eventually transferring to Arkham Asylum in Gotham when the care in Star City was found to be inadequate. For nearly six months, Jerome would only respond to the doctors by repeating the sounds around him, perfectly imitating the creeking of the walls and the dripping of leaky pipes against the cold stone. Eventually awakening from this state, Jerome began to train his body, performing gruelling exercises for hours on end. His honed his physical condition which was further increased by his latent metahuman genes. Coming to terms with the death of his wife and child, Jerome was released from Arkham with a clean bill of health. Deciding to remain in Gotham, Jerome found himself a small apartment took a part-time job as an insurance adjuster. Despite being released, Jerome's mind was far from healed. Believing Star City's resident hero and vigilante, Green Arrow was to blame for the death of his wife and child, Jerome began to form a personal vendetta not only against the Arrow but against every non-powered hero. While Jerome had no problem with the likes of Superman and Flash who obviously had powers and were compelled to use them, Jerome believe the Arrow, the Batman and others like them were a blight unto society only further creating problems instead of actually stopping them. While he had been in Arkham, Jerome had become Onomatopoeia, learning to perfectly imitate the sounds around him. Further honing this personal, Jerome developed a costume and took to the streets, luring out non powered vigilantes and hunting them down. Each one he killed, he would take their mask and keep it as a trophy in his home. Eventually growing over confident, Onomatopoeia took on a secondary disguise as a non-powered vigilante and worked to gain the trust of Batman under the guise of Baphomet. Despite his plan nearly succeeding, Onomatopeia was discovered and after a long drawn out fight he was incarcerated in Belle Reeve.[/INDENT] [b]| ABILITIES: |[/b] [INDENT][B]Accelerated Healing:[/B] Onomatopoeia has an accelerated healing factors while allows his body to repair itself at nearly ten times the rate of a human. While wounds don't instantly close, they do heal as fast as hours to days depending on the severity of the wounds. [B]Superhuman Stamina:[/B] Onomatopoeia is capable of fighting for extended periods of time even when severly injured. As an example he has took six arrows without stopping. He took two to one shoulder, one to the other, one in between the first and middle knuckles of his right hand, one through his right foot, one through the palm of his right hand, none of which slowed him or even impaired his manual dexterity. After being shot, he took a seven story drop off the roof of the Star City hospital and still managed to run away before Green Arrow could find him. [B]Superhuman Reflexes:[/B] Onomatopoeia's reflexes are superhuman fast which increases his dexterity and marksmen skills allowing him to react and fire at a rate which could almost catch the Flash off guard. Against non-powered foes this makes him especially lethal. Furthermore, Onomatopoeia is a master marksman skilled in the use of dual handguns and a sniper rifle. He shows further proficiency in other weapons as well including various knives which he uses for melee combat scenarios. He is an expert martial artist having studied numerous over the course of his life and faced off against numerous other styles while hunting vigilantes. Onomatopoeia also possesses a very high intellect making him a master planner and a very dangerous foe.[/INDENT]