Terraline groggily sat up and stared at the room before her. There seemed to be a girl with pink hair watching her. Her parents would have killed her if she had ever dyed her hair that color but still, it was rather pretty. However, that wasn't the strange part. This girl's nails looked like bird talons. Was this a dream after all? Some other boy joined and began questioning her. She wondered what they were all doing here. Were they here for her? Maybe she was the oddball here. After inhaling deeply, she tried to compose herself and push away the traumatic memory for now. Apparently she was in some sort of school. "How the heck did I end up here?"She muttered under her breath. Another girl squeezed between the two people and came toward her bedside. "Hi" the girl said with a wave, "I'm Cammy. How are you feeling?" "Hey... You can call me Terry. I'm kind of confused to be honest."She admitted. "I have no idea how I ended up here." Some other guy introduced himself as Black and spoke of making sure she should feel welcome in her new home. he also mentioned how she had no knowledge of mutants. After speaking to the others, he had addressed her finally with, "Lastly then, hello young one. Welcome to Riverwood. My name is Black, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Should you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them." He was not the only one to introduce himself. The pink haired girl introduced herself as Ryuu. Although, the other boy seemed to have departed. "Nice to meet you guys. Well for starters, what are mutants and how did I end up here?" Terraline inquired.