The night air howled like a wild beast as wind blew snow in a blinding haze, one would just barely be able to see the torches and lamps that were hung in front of the simple buildings of the small province of Winterhold. Most of the city's if it could even be called that, were either settled into their homes for the evening or were making the attempt to drink their problems away at the Frozen Hearth. Sitting just a stone throws away from the village stood the imposing fortress know as the Collage of Winterhold which loomed over the homes of Winterhold, filling the residents with a strong mixture of hatred and fear. The occupants of this collage were of course mages, studiers of the arcane arts of magic, and it would surprise no one that they were unfazed by this gods forsaken weather in their borderline castle. Aside from the awful weather it seemed that this was a usual night for this little spot in Skyrim, but like for so many other things appearances were deceiving. As only a hour away was a convoy of Thalmor agents, traveling in secret through enemy territory to the Collage of Winterhold. Despite the little transgression, that is what the Thalmor call the murder of dozens and attempt to forcefully take over the collage, that transpired a decade ago these elves were ready to ask for help from the mages. They were ready to write the whole event off as some extremist acting on his own accord. The Thalmor wanted a base of operations to place a few of their agents in Skyrim and the Collage was the perfect place, as it stood ever neutral to the political affairs of the nation. What a meeting between these elves and the mages would bring can only be guessed at, but rest assured this will not be the only story told tonight.