[color=lime]"Better get going, wouldn't want to tarnish your [i]perfect[/i] record by being late."[/color] The voice made Alison as she ran a brush through her hair as she glanced at her brother's smirking face. She just set the brush down and picked up her bag. After making sure everything was there she slipped past him and walked down the stairs and headed towards the door. She could hear him following behind her. [color=violet]"Are you going to grace us with your presence today?"[/color] She asked blankly, watching as Alastair swung leg over his motorcycle and shrugged on his leather jacket. His smirk widened. [color=lime]"But of course! I wouldn't dare take away the opportunity to be around moi!"[/color] With that he snickered and kicked his bike to life before turning to face his little sister. [color=lime]"How about it sis, wanna ride?"[/color] Alison just rolled her eyes as she turned and began walking down the sidewalk. [color=violet]"Ride on that? With you? I'd rather poke my eyes out with sporks."[/color] [color=lime]"Suit yourself!"[/color] He called as he roared off down the road. A smile stretched across his face. Ah, she was so fun to mess with. Alison sighed. Why her brother couldn't be normal for once was beyond her. Several minutes later she arrived at school. She ignored the looks and whispers as she resolutely walked towards her locker. She didn't bother trying to figure out what they were saying, she knew what it was. Apparently the student body claimed that she thought she was better than them by never really hanging out with them. But it wasn't her fault that she prefered studying and readying to human company. They thought that she thought that she was too good for them. But let them talk. It was all just words anyway. Their opinion didn't matter. At least that's what she tried to tell herself anyway. With a sigh she collected her books from her locker and began marching towards her class. Suddenly, a foot extended and Alison tumbled to the floor as her glasses flew off her face and landed somewhere unknown. Snickers echoed around her and her cheeks flamed as she fumbled around trying to locate her glasses. She eventually found them, perched them back onto her nose with a sigh of relief that they hadn't been stepped on, then gathered up her books and hurried to class.