Brannus sat in the sole tavern of the, or rather what was left of the city of Winterhold, he and the four men he had taken with him on this little excursion gathered round the fire pit in the center of the room. The furs draped over his armor began to drip, the snow-clad pelts beginning to thaw as the frost which covered the metal plates encasing him began to dissipate. One of his cohorts, an imperial clad in fur, and what remained of his legion armor, shivered and cursed at the chill. "This damn province, why'd we have to come all the way up to the middle of a glacial field! Why don't those mages do something useful for a change and find a way to fend off the cold in this gods forsaken place?" Another Nord smacked the back of his head, his iron gauntlet giving a loud thud when it made contact with the imperial's leather helm. "Quit your bitching and just get some mead, you damn Imperials are all the same, can't handle a little nip in the air, almost as bad as those damn lizards always whining about their scales and cold blood." Brannus paid them no mind as they argued and squabbled, and after warming himself on the fire, returned to meet the rest of his men, who stood outside guarding the horses and cart. The cargo was covered by a large burlap tarp, strung tight over the wooden frame of the cart to protect its contents from the harsh elements. A large, lightly armored Orc, and a Redguard clad in both furs and steel, stood guard, weapons sheathed and hands never too far from them. The Orc gave Brannus a nod, and grumbled. "What exactly are we doing here, sir? We went straight across the whole province, we should be back at the Keep, we coul-" "Why we are here is not your concern, the fact that I told you we were to come here is what matters, whelp. Now, be patient, we shan't need to stay out in the cold for much longer, and we will return to the Keep soon enough. But if the cold is too much or you, I'll be glad to remedy that, just a quick slice along the throat, and soon it'll all be numb." The Orc decided it best not to respond to that.