[indent][b]Personal Information[/b][/indent] [b]Name:[/b] Nigel Ballard [b]Nickname/Alias/Title:[/b] [color=87CEEB][b]Sky Blue[/b][/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [hider=Physical Appearance:][center] [hider=Male Form] [img]http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/GrandUxbrC/RP%20-%20Character%20Images/d8dce1e9-eb5d-4f4f-9895-1c4971195c7a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Female Form][center][img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2015/038/4/6/fem_ren__dmmd__by_kuuchan08-d8h326s.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=TM-001 Form] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/261/f/1/dmmd_lam__by_z7x2c0v0b8-d7zmijq.png[/img] Minus the dog ears and earrings[/hider][/center] Nigel is tall and has a very pale complexion. Under his clothes, he is very muscular and has multiple black tattoos that range from the sides of his face covered by his hair to his shoulder blades and down his arms. His ears are slightly pointed. He also has amber eyes and bears a set of sharp canine teeth.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] In most conversations, Nigel usually takes things literally and misunderstanding certain sayings but he nonetheless says things as they are, straightforward and honest. He maintains a calm demeanor when faced with a crisis and tries to solve it however he can. When he befriends someone, he will do his utmost to protect and help them in their time of need without expecting something in return and as such, he makes a very valuable friend. Despite his laid-back attitude, Nigel is also very caring about those around him. He is a good listener and is able to give constructive advice about almost anything. In his TM-001 form, along with the physical changes on his body, Nigel experiences a sudden shift in personality. He becomes easily irritated when things don't go his way but he doesn't let that obstruct him from completing his mission. He becomes rather talkative and isn't afraid to belittle or even straight up insult his opponent or anyone who stands between him and his goal. [b]Likes:[/b] Good food, constructive conversations, sleeping [b]Dislikes:[/b] Foul smells, Dishonest people, dark guilds and their mages [b]History:[/b] TBR - I'll only say he's from Edolas. [indent][b]Magic and Combat Information[/b][/indent] [hider=TM-001] [b]Magic Name:[/b] TM-001 [b]Magic Type:[/b] Caster [b]Magic Description:[/b] Through the experiments conducted on his body, Nigel is now virtually made up of intelligent adaptive nanomachines that he can manipulate in any way or form he see fit. This allows him to morph himself or separate body parts of himself into any kind of devices, reconstruct/replicate himself, adapt to threats and hostile environments, perform advanced analysis, take control of technological structures and assimilate surrounding materials to upload structural information and produce more nanomachines. [b]Magic Techniques:[/b] [list][b]Passive[/b] [list] [*][color=SkyBlue]Cyber Mind[/color] Due to his body consisting of highly intelligent nanomachines, Nigel has the advanced computational capabilities of a supercomputer. Nigel is able to interface with machines, allowing him to download and gather information. He can place a few of his nanomachines in his allies brains with their permission and through which he is able to communicate with them at any distance, download and share information with them through the nanomachines. Nigel is also able to create a heads-up display that only he is able to see and which displays various information about the world around him.[/list][/list] [list][b]Active[/b] [list] [*][color=0000FF]Nanomech[/color] Nigel can shapeshift his form, transforming and reshaping it down to its most basic structure. He can impersonate others if he has already analyzed their DNA beforehand or enhance his body for combat, either by turning part of him or himself completely into a weapon. He can also regenerate any wound, reform damaged/cut off limbs as long as his head is intact. He can create his own ammunition by either taking apart nearby machines or by gathering the materials needed such as metals on his own. The difference between taking apart existing machines and gathering all the necessary materials on his own is that with the former one, Nigel can very quickly make decent-quality amunition and weapons while the latter one offers superior quality at the cost of much preparation beforehand.[/list][/list][/hider] [b]Guild:[/b] Harpy's Wing [b]Rank:[/b] S-Class [b]Weapons:[/b] His whole body/Every machine in his vicinity. [b]Strengths:[/b] Area-Of-Effect Mass Destruction/Research & Developement of New Weapons/ [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Can be rendered useless if his systems are overloaded with electricity e.g. Lightning Magic