Grolak and Caldris looked at each other, then went back to Meesei. "I can be a judge," they said in unison unintentionally, causing them to look at each other again. "Everyone knows me," Grolak said, pointing his thumb to his chest, "I don't give anyone a break on rations, I sure as oblivion won't give any of the lieutenants leniency about this." Caldris crossed her arms, "Everyone knows me, too. I'll fix anyone's bow or make new ones for them, but I'm not particularly fond of any of the lieutenants." Seeing a potentially rash situation arising, Najirra stepped up and attempted to calm everyone with a motion downwards with his palm. "Now then, it is important that anyone selected to be a judge must have clear judgement, without a conflict of agendas." Najirra faced Meesei in particular, "If anyone is to be selected now, they must not be allowed to assist you in investigation." "Huh. Well I wanna help find Jerrick's killer, so that rules me out," Grolak declared, "Say, Najirra, you tend to stay out of this stuff anyway. Why don't you be a judge? Everyone trusts you." Najirra let out a chuckle and shook his head, "I am not sure whether that would be a good idea. I like to assist people, but getting involved like this is against my usual nature." "Grolak does have a point, Najirra." Caldris added flatly, "Everyone trusts your wisdom, even myself. You are already involved at this point. I can think of no better judge." She faced Meesei, "What do you think, champion?"