[center] +SHINJI+ Shinji spoke smoothly, without any hints of fear in his voice. "Get out your evoker."he instructed seriously. "I don't know where it is' but I know there's definitely something out here."he warned, his eyes narrowing. Shinji looked even meaner than usual and he pressed the button to summon his beloved Pikachu. I don't have time for this crap. he thought bitterly to himself. My fucking pre-cal test is tomorrow. He shoved the remote back into his pant pocket and brought out his evoker. Shinji pressed the fake gun to his head, hesitating a bit before pulling the trigger. Some huge creepy persona appeared in front of the two teenagers. Shinji was growing tired of just standing around feeling worried. "Now, where the hell is that shadow...?"he asked nobody in particular, ready to beat some ass. +PIKACHU+ "Pika, Pikachu!!!"yelled the poor robot, wishing that Shinji would show up. He could have just shocked Momo but then Pikachu might fall and break into pieces. He glared at Momo, his little feet trying their best to kick him. Sadly all of Pikachu's attempts failed and he didn't even come close to hitting him. "Pika..."he muttered coldly, about to consider activating one of his other modes when all of a sudden...his red cheeks began glowing and blinking. +SUNAKO+ Sunako didn't have any clue where Pikachu was. She thought about simply calling out his name, but then she might wake up the others. She frowned as she plopped on the couch, laying on her back. "Such bad luck tonight..." +KENJI+ "You're right." Kenji smiled, getting under the covers. "Goodnight..."he mumbled, already beginning to fall asleep. The man looked peaceful and felt serene, what more could he want than sleeping next to his wonderful Hikaru? Kenji slowly grabbed Hikaru's hand, locking their fingers together. +CLEAFEN+ "YES, my love is finally in bed."comment Cleafen. The young child appeared out of nowhere beside Fleance's bed. "My dearest Lance..."he whispered, his finger tracing the male's cheek. He grinned as he caressed his skin, adoring how soft it felt. [/center]