[quote=@Pie Flavor] I honestly don't see how teleportation or the creation of portals would be on par to time manipulation but if its two against one I'll change my character. With one power he be on C-ranked... Right? If I chose teleportation to be the single ability. [/quote] I'll give you two examples, one for each. For portals... Form a portal on top of someone or in front of someone in motion. Make said portal smaller than said person. Congrats, you now have something that can cut through anything as the bits of the person that don't go through the portal are now separated from the parts of the person that did go through the portal. Basically instant death as soon as they touch any of your portals. You can also just conjure a portal inside someone and kill them that way as they die from blood loss or internal organs falling out of the other portal. Teleportation isn't AS strong, but nothings stopping you from teleporting inside a person and causing them to rupture due to the presence of another equally sized being suddenly being inside them. Sure your character might be injured a little bit, but the other person will be much worse off, IE exploded. And if you can teleport other objects, whats stopping ya from teleporting a rock into their brain? Do note that Portals, not necessarily teleportation, would work perfectly fine on gods. Gods that might very well be immune to time manipulation. Plus by quantom theory, space-time are linked, so with enough thought you could manipulate one with the other. Yeah, I'm banned from using either of those things in DnD for obvious reasons.