Listening to the others discuss who should serve as judge, Meesei's mind started to side with Grolak and Caldris. Najirra was, by everything she had heard, very well respected among the clan. And, unlike the others, he was not in a good enough condition to do any investigating himself. He would make for a good choice. After all, Jerrick did select him as the one who was trustworthy and influential enough to prove Meesei's own innocence. "I believe they are right, Najirra." Meesei answered. "Think of what a judge is supposed to be. It is a person who is largely uninvolved, and unbiased up to the point when it is time to hear the evidence. You know of the situation, but you have not actually done any investigating; you did not hear me question them. For most, when they think of an ideal judge, it is someone fair, someone old and wise with the experience to back their decisions. It is someone they respect. You fit all of those criteria. If you were to serve as judge, I believe that would have the best chance of convincing everyone of the fairness of the trial, and help them accept its outcome. From my understanding, you do tend to stay out of clan politics, but that is why I believe you are ideal for the position. If people see you stepping out of your room for the first time in their memory, they will know the trial is serious. They know you have no motive for power or influence, so they will trust your word."