“Tha's right!” The snowy-haired old dwarf was the first to speak. He seemed to relish the prospect of a new companion on the coming journey, particularly since a good deal of the adventurers who had previously expressed interest in Tanya's quest had yet to reappear. Kaghad radiated a presence of warmth almost as grand as the campfire, though in a different fashion, since he had drained a good beer and found some good company. If the little Nem didn't seem at ease, Kaghad more than made up for it. “Liddle missy's leadin' us there now, in fac'! Danger, glory, [i]gold[/i]! It's near enough to make an ol' dwarf sing!” Seemingly have already accepted that Laurena was one of the group, Kaghad turned back to the rest. Nobody was beyond the reach of the twinkle in his eye; it was Terri he faced when he spoke next. “I 'aven't 'ad an adventure like this in decades. Sure, smithin' en the cap'tal's fine business, but ya get so used to people ya ferget wot et's like ta sleep unner the sta's.” He twisted backward, reaching for the Portable Forge he had set aside a few minutes ago. A hunk of coal slipped out from one of his pouches and into the mechanism, and with the ease of one totally accustomed to the maneuver he began to crank it.