[color=6ecff6]Béatrix[/color]: Trixy nodded when Alistair gave her the signal to stay quiet as he talked to the rogue on the phone. When one of the workers came to inform about another vampire outside the bar, Béatrix rolled her eyes and marched over to greet the most-likely unwelcomed guest. Truthfully, she was glad to get out of the same room as that insufferable twat, Adelisssa. Whether or not she actually was trying to help get Maria back, Trixy couldn’t stand the girl. As Trixy exited the backroom and entered the front of the bar, she couldn’t help but hear Maria’s scream from the speaker phone. She winced at the sound. This was Alistair’s fight though, he would handle it and she would help when she was asked to. “For France’s sake, Vincent, who could be – ” Béatrix’ words to the vampire guard halted when she saw the long, dark-haired stranger in the doorway. “Oh,” she began, stood up straighter, and cleared her throat. “Hello, come in. Welcome to The Tortuga.” She said with an indecipherable smile. [color=9e0b0f]Jareth[/color]: Jareth watch the ceiling with a smile on his face. He held up his hand in the air as if he was holding a paintbrush, a familiar glaze in his eyes. O-neg blanketed him in peaceful silence as he lazily lounged on his bed and gazed up at his artwork. The ceiling of his bedroom covered in his own depiction of the milky way galaxy, artfully painted to scale. To be honest, it was a breathtaking piece, it was shocking that something so beautiful could be the work of someone so ugly. A scream cut through the blissful silence. Normally such a cacophonous disturbance to Jareth’s tranquil moments would anger him, but the scream had such a lovely femininity to it. Ahh, the cry of a woman, no other sound like it in the universe! A smile peeled across Jar’s face as he hopped out of the bed to investigate. He dissected the sound in his mind: the voice, the tone, the pitch – this woman was a singer. How lovely, she’d shutter to realize how much her cries held more of a siren song to him than any love ballad would be. Theo was in the room with the source of the scream, and she was a beauty. Blood-stained and naked, she laid before him, trembling as tears ran down her face. Theo had down something to pain her leg. A strap of leather was between her teeth to allow her to cry and scream, but not say any discernible words that could give away their location. Jareth walked over to Maria and grasped her chin to tilt her face in a way that he could get a better view. His ebony eyes peered at her through locks of dark silver hair that hung about his face. He smiled as she feebly trembled in his grasp, obviously weakened by the serum he himself had concocted – it affected vampire body chemistry in a way that hindered cellular activity and rapid healing. It was the perfect pre-game to torture. “Pretty, pretty girl” he murmured as he studied her, a hungry gravelly tone to his voice. He was quiet, recognizing that Theo was on the phone and assuming it was important. He brought his lips to hers, kissing only the bottom one as they were separated by the gag. When he pulled away, he bit down slightly and caused her blood to bubble up and trickle down her chin.