[center][img]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4123/4906293421_2cd86d4c63_m.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Name: Belle Sinclair[/center] [center]Age: 16[/center] [center]Story They Are From: Beauty and the Beast[/center] [center]Family: Maurice Sinclair(Father0[/center] [center]Crush/Partner: None[/center] [center]Abilities: Has none, except the one she finds in her books[/center] [center]Personality: Belle is a very quiet and shy girl. She always tends to have her nose in a books and doesn't pay attention to the real world. She thinks more about fantasy and romance than anything else, but she is very smart. She is very patient but hates big brutes like the jocks of the football team or guys her try to hit on her without her consent first. She tries to find the best in people, but when she can't, she tries to look at other admirable qualities. She doesn't hate anyone, but she strongly dislikes a few people.[/center] [center]History: Belle's mother died when she was very young, so she grew up only knowing her father. Her father, an inventor, was the laughing stock of her neighborhood and as she grew up, she felt more and more ashamed of him. She hid in her books to get away from the taunts of the people against her father. When she was ten, her father had a very bad heart attack and nearly died. At this point in her life, Belle realized that she needed to be by her father's side and help him get better. She ignored the taunts of everyone and began to stand up for her father and actually be proud of him. Her father, seeing her changed, loved her more than ever and wanted to help her in whatever way he could. So, he sent her to this Academy so she could go on an adventure of her own rather than stay at home with her boring life. She calls her father every day to let him know how things are going.[/center] [center]Other(Random Stuff like Theme Song): None[/center] [center][hider=Peter][img]http://www.jeremysumpter.com/images/2011photoshoot/Jeremydenim6.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [center]Name: Peter Pan[/center] [center]Age: 18[/center] [center]Story They Are From: Peter Pan[/center] [center]Family: None... unless you count Tinkerbell[/center] [center]Crush/Partner: Nope[/center] [center]Abilities: Can fly with pixie dust[/center] [center]Personality: Peter is a loud and fun loving guy. He is very caring toward the orphans from the adoption homes that he help teaches. He is protective of them as well and always looking out for anyone who is being made fun of. Whereas when people want to be serious, Peter is never serious and always loves to play games. He is still a child at heart. He has never met anyone that he hasn't not liked.[/center] [center]History: Peter grew up in multiple orphanages until he was finally adopted by a kind family. He was always very imaginative and loved to play games with a few of the neighbor boys... ones he called the Lost Boys. Peter was taken to NeverLand when he was a young child and stayed there for almost two hundred years. He came back when he realized this his life was missing something... Something that he needed and that was a family. He wandered the streets, looking for his former parents when he found their tombstones. He cried for days, but picked himself up again and went in search of a new adventure. He found the Academy and decided that meeting new people would be a big enough adventure for him.[/center] [center]Other(Random Stuff like Theme Song):None[/center]