A few minutes pass before the door opens again. However, none of the fresh morning light seems to make its way inside. There's something blocking its passage completely. A single massive arm works its way inside, grabbing the top of the door frame as the being ducks its head to poke into the room. Its head seems small in comparison to its everything else as it twists its body to the side to slide through the door. It almost seems to explode into the room, the scarred pale skin of its bulk suddenly taking up the entire entryway as it draws itself to full height and casts its gaze about the room. This sudden appearance seems to shock those near the door into inaction as it takes three loud lumbering stride and opens its black toothed maw to speak. "A bloke told me," He calls out over the music in a deep, rumbly voice that seems to climb all the way up from his gut. "Dat dere was people what would deal with me here!" He'd heard that very clearly from that fancy bloke near the city gate. He'd turned to this other bloke as soon as Drubbins had walked past their carriage and said it. Blue Moon Tavern. He'd even gone back to ask that bloke, but couldn't get a proper answer on account of the bloke going very still when he'd come up to the window. But just a name was better than nothing, especially when he'd been wandering for what felt like a good long time with no one to tell him what to do. There were the problems of not knowing where the tavern was, and not knowing how he'd know when he saw it on account of him not being able to read, but fortune smiled on him as he made his way through the sleepy streets. He'd seen something come from around a corner and streak past him down a side street, something that was awfully blue, and figured whatever [i]that[/i] was must be going to a place called the Blue Moon Tavern. He was really proud of putting that one together. That was an example of good thinkin'. He'd taken off after whatever it was as fast as he could, which was deceptively fast for a creature his size. It was a benefit of being so tall and not having to worry about anyone getting in your way. The thing he was chasing though was so fast he'd only caught sight of the tail end of it a few times. If its route hadn't taken it down a few long streets he would have lost it completely. But with luck he'd kept up and saw it streak into this building, which turned out to be full of blokes who looked like they were celebrating something. They were probably the boss of this places boys. Speaking of which... "Somebody point me to Da Boss!"