Black smiled warmly as Terry introduced herself and began to ask questions, [i]At least this means she's somewhat comfortable with us,[/i] he thought to himself. Though this wasn't a light topic, he was happy to take the opportunity to educate the girl on what exactly was going on, solemnly, yet in a calm voice, he began his explanation, "What are mutants? That's a loaded question really. We're a lot of things: outcasts, aliens, beasts, terrors, fears, and targets, but also beautiful, unique, and misunderstood. We, you and I, and all the students here at Riverwood are mutants. People like us have... how do I put this... well... mutations really. Superpowers for lack of a better term. If you'd take Cammy's hand, that give you a good idea. Personally..." Black flicked his hand and a little ball detached itself from his shadow and flitted around the room, "I'm able to control shadows. Mutants all have their own unique abilities, think of it like a supernatural fingerprint. I can say with faith that you have a power as well, although you might not have figured it out yet. As for how you got here, I don't have as thorough of an explanation, but most likely you were attacked by X-Force, a group of people who want to destroy all mutants. They view us as threats. It's possible tha---" he was interrupted by some ruckus in the neighboring room. He chuckled "Busy day huh Cammy? Mind keeping Terry company while I go investigate the noise?" After receiving his answer, he left for the next door doctor's room. He came upon a doctor dealing with another girl. She looked older than Terry, and had notably more severe injuries. It did seem, however, that she was abounding with energy based on her body's disposition and the look in her eyes. More new people... not a bad thing, but not exactly how he planned on spending his Sunday nevertheless, he choose to skip the formalities with this girl, as the doctor had already dealt with most of that. He made his presence known, "A pyrokinetic huh? I'm always welcoming to new people such as yourself. My name is Black, an I'm an umbrakinetic myself. How are you feeling?"