[center] [url]http://youtu.be/JS20cvSWyIE[/url] The wheels were turning. The gears were grinding. The knight smiled as he looked out into the open world before him. The misery, the pain, the torture that lay in his future. He would ensure that those resting their heads in the capitol would soon be resting under the ground. This was his play, his story. He was the writer and the lead actor. They called him the one that walked in the dark, but some knew him by other names. A "man" clad in black armor who was more devil than human. The man who beckoned souls to their doom beneath his almighty throne of shadows. In recent years he had settled on a name that fit him. This twisted being thought it very fitting to his persona. He called himself... death. [color=000000]"I believe it is time. The curtains are opening. My actors are getting ready. For look! O'er on the horizon there is a handsome man. His golden hair shines with that very some glint which the sun reflects in his wine glass. He dips his bread to soften that meal in his hand, but ironically he similarly has grown soft and worn. His grand arena, the Coliseum, now opens, but every day he looses his grandiose. Soon that puppet won't be worth playing around with anymore. And behold! Even a great princess who's beautiful red hair could make any man wild now begins to age. Although she is only 23, she's past her prime. The princess will die along with her country. And this woman's sister? Her fate the same as the rest. To rot and decay at my feet. Though I longed for the shimmering blue mane of that girl at one time, I now grow weary of such human pleasures. For truly the identity of death is only befitting of a god! But alas, these meek warriors do not rest themselves without allies. I see people rising over the horizon. They come now. A new generation preparing to slay me. That concept is far too bizarre to happen in this plane however. Unfortunately for them.... DEATH CANNOT BE KILLED!"[/color] he paused for a moment, then took an elegant bow to no audience in particular, [color=000000]"Prelude and muse end... Actors interunt... Scene 1 begin."[/color] [color=000000]Scene I: The Birth of a New Generation[/color] _______________________________________________ Akauta woke up. Her hair was in complete disarray and there was some broken glass next to her bed. She took it all in for a moment, then her massive headache hit her. Public relations... yeah. Totally what she was doing last night. In a wave of regret, she felt an extreme shame. Now was not the time to be partying. It was a dark time over the land. Now was the time to be banding together with the other two. Now was the time for action. She quickly put on her clothes and tidied her hair, then walked into the main area of the military base. _______________________________________________ [color=0054a6]"Not strong enough..."[/color] she thought to herself. Caerula hadn't slept in the last ten days. She's been practicing her skills over and over again in the training grounds. The Princess couldn't allow her country to be in danger, so she planned on killing the Black Knight the first chance she got. After so many hours, however, she collapsed of exhaustion, and sat against the wall of the building drying off sweat and drinking lots of water. The rest of the police force would probably be getting up soon. _______________________________________________ Ever since this new girl showed up, his life had been a lot easier. The white haired girl greeted the owner of the Coliseum as he finished his breakfast and entered his perch above the Coliseum's arena. His new attendant showed incredible signs of a new form of magic, which healed people. A great thing for a person who runs a fighting arena. Either way he sat down in his throne and prepared for a fun day of dueling. The white haired girl questioned her as to how and when he'd respond to the Princesses' requests. [color=fff200]"What happens happens. Don't worry about it too much Lily,"[/color] and with that, he signaled for the first match of the day to begin. [/center]