As the Hawaiian Shirt Cruise Crazie started heading for Stevie he reached into his bag and hit the Cruise Crazie on the side of the head with one of the bottles of vodka. It shattered against the Cruise Crazies's head, making it stumble, but still on its feet. It quickly regained it s composure and made a lunge for Stevie! However the creature did not seem to remember that a broken vodka bottle can become a lethal weapon when broken open. Stevie shoved the broken piece into the Cruise Crazie's Neck, causing the creature to go limp. Stevie threw it to the bed. "That's that done." Stevie said to Devon. Then realizing he wasn't finished with his work. "Oh come on, you ain't done yet?" Stevie picked up the metal cane that he threw away earlier and waited for the brawl on the floor to reach the optimal position. (When the Cruise Crazie was on top of Devon) He then proceeded to clock the beast right in the back of head with the cane. "You owe me for that one." Stevie remarked.