Mithias' dilemma with the bouncers was promptly resolved by the appearance of a feisty blue-eyed vampiress. They stepped aside as she gave him her approval. Mithias recognized the innocent, unbridled look of awe in her eyes. She'd blush and kick herself in a moment, as soon as she realized that she had inadvertently complimented him. Somewhat amused, and also to be polite, Mithias extended his white, clawed hand to take hers while he had her enticed. Leaning forward, he kissed the back of her hand briefly. "Mithias," he introduced himself, then took advantage of her silence and walked past into the bar. He knew Praetor was there, and that this was Blackmoore territory. Allister, so far unknown to Mithias, was upset on the phone. The still armed and armored vampire scanned the setting for any hostile reactions, uncertain where to park himself.