Having since escaped from 'the incident' at the lunch table, Aurellius found himself slipping into classroom wearing a newly cleaned suit with all the fresh smells that came with. Splashing milk and chunks of soup didn't get along well at all. He didn't even have a chance to try some of the delectable meats, all because of some sort of heavy petting that also involved knives. With a sigh, he sat down next to the only person he recognized, of whom he was slowly growing used to. Aurellius nodded slightly, but kept silent as he ruffled his own collar, not quite satisfied with his results. In reality, he had simply tossed a coin to decide over between Armory class and this one, but in the end, tails had won its mark. He wasn't quite sure what the class was for, but 'Grimm Studies' is a bit more self explanatory than 'armory'. Of course, the man in charge of their class happened to be a prancing pony who spouted out bits of how they should all be chivalrous and blah, blah, blah. His interest only happened to be piqued as soon as the real lesson was revealed, a lesson of sharp teeth and claws. He was distracted for a few moments as he stared at the beast, some sort of lion mixed with a wolf, though the one in question happened only to be a young one. Ignoring the three other raised hands, he held his own up high, speaking with a hint of sarcasm as he waved his arm around, "Oh, sir, pick me, will you? Pleeeaase?"