"well, company is always good." Jon said. He looked back, and he saw that a few people from the tavern weren't here. They had mysteriously disappeared. "We're a little short anyway." He said. He sat down, somewhere near the fire as their bard appeared on a rock with his Mandolin, and the rest got acquainted with the new faces. A water mage and an incredibly short, muscle bound person, which made for strange contrast. But, to mirror what he said before, company was always good, especially after more than half of the party disappeared. Jon took his flask of water from his belt and took a large swig, as he was thirsty. Once that was done, he put it back down again and introduced himself. "Well, since we're getting introductions out of the way, I'll follow suit." He said to the 2 new people. "My name's Jon Grimsteel, and I'm just a wandering knight. Pleased to make your acquaintance."