Rose watched the stars fleck past him until the slip space blurred them to the point where they were but white paint streaked across a black canvas. He was almost mesmerized by the speed that they were travelling, it was something that always amazed him every time he entered hyperspace no matter how many times he had done it. "Coming?" asked Amelia. Her voice pierced through his dreamy state, quickly bringing him back to reality. "Sure," Rose replied casually, as he cracked his knuckles. As he casually got up from the chair, the reality of what had happened fully hit him. It looked awfully suspicious that the space station had blown sky high just after they left. There was no way in hell that they wouldn't pay for this. As him and Amelia walked down a long white corridor with screaming fluorescent lights, he glanced at Amelia who was staring straight ahead and his thoughts wandered there. He was starting to notice that she was not all that bad looking; as he liked to say, he wished he could put his boots under her bed. "Y'know, you're really crazy about your ships," started Rose with a teasing grin on his face, "I'm actually surprised you haven't tried to make love to one yet." Rose grinned the grin that only he made as they reached the conference room.