Somehow, it seemed appropriate to Rareth that an example of fine Masulu cuisine would be terribly bitter. Their society was strict, rough, and militaristic, so it was fitting that they would like something that would require them to go through pain to get to the pleasure. It was things like that which the Sovereignty seemed to take pride in, even if she did not understand it. Rareth gave a chuckle at Telmeck's comment. "In our line of work? doubtful." She commented, pausing to take another drink of her wine. "Anyway, I'm afraid I have no idea what's going to happen next. At least not after we get back to Pax. My knowledge of our plans ended at this mission. However, since this mission was a sort of test for our fledgeling joint organization, I suppose the Assembly officials are going to look at how we did, and decide how much they want to dedicate to this experiment. We did well, so they might end up being liberal with funding. No matter what happens, we'll probably face some restructuring. Our team might stick together, but there is still a chance that we will be separated. If not, though, we'll be sent on a mission as soon as they have one. Hopefully we get some time off first."