[b][u]736[/u][/b] The flight to on the griffin had been fairly uneventful. In fact, the griffin seemed to not even acknowledge 736, briskly leaving at its first opportunity. It came as somewhat of a shock that no one reacted to 736's arrival. His appearance usually elicited some form of disgust or fear, but not so here. 736 was careful to note that, in fact, this place seemed to be much more cosmopolitan than the backwoods village he had once orbited. Truth be told, he was far from the strangest thing there. The message on the loudspeaker relayed the information to the student body, though it took its damn time about it. In addition, 736 was slightly taken aback. “What a paragon of consummate professionalism” he muttered in a deep, raspy voice. Only upon entering the designated facility was 736 struck by precisely the verisimilitude of the student body, seeming to pull the oddest outliers from every corner of both worlds. As 736 saw it, they were a perfect cross-section of extremes, ready to be observed and tested. 736 probably would have even smirked slightly, seeing the opportunities he had been granted to learn about the human condition, if his facial nerves hadn't been so sloppily assembled. On the subject of bizarre people, the figure that loomed over the crowd was no exception. Something about the child irritated 736, yet he couldn't help but find him intriguing. 736 made a mental note to inquire further. At Ier-Briar Thorn's request, 736 reached below his seat. There, he found a slip of paper (and around 80 dead spiders). The paper was slightly crumpled, as if it had been used for something else, a theory further supported by what appeared to be a crude drawing of 1/3 of a rabbit on the corner of the paper. Still, the largest detail was, naturally, the number 09, written hastily in pencil.