"Well, that's still a few more weeks than me. Minus 2 days, anyway." Nick said, absorbing all the things she said. Power control classes, responsibility classes, and probably quite a number of other ones she hadn't mentioned, which sounded alright so far. He was curious about how to control his power. As far as he knew, he just knew where everything around him was, kind of. Rather awkward when you can see through walls sometimes. That said, would power control mean that he could increase his range? That might be good. But he'd also like to control what he 'sees', because he doesn't want to be called a pervert. [i]Best not to mention the seeing through walls part.[i] Nick thought. That said, the classes seemed fine, at least for now, so he shouldn't have any problems. "Well, if I can least skip out on maths, I'm set." Nick muttered. "My arithmetic is abysmal." The door to the kitchen was open and Nick stuck his head in and looked around. He spotted a few students in the reasonably large kitchen and called out to them. "Hello? Anyone who can cook?" He called.