Hunter swung the doors of the school open with his bag slung over one shoulder. He winked as he passed a group of girls and smirked to him self when they blushed and smiled. A group of girls walked up to him. "Hey, Hunter." One with a shirt that was cut to low, not that he minded. He just nodded in their direction allowing them to do the speaking. "We were just wondering if you wanted to walk to class with us?" They all nodded enthusiastically, leaning in a little closer to make sure he didn't just walk away. Hunter Ran a hand through his hair and smiled at the group. "Sorry girls, I have some stuff to do before class. But don't get to upset, Maybe some other day." He winked and they all nodded hustling off whispering excitedly. Hunter finally reached his locker and chuckled to himself. He shoved his stuff in his locker leaving only the books he needed in his bag before slamming the locker shut and heading towards class. He winked at the girls and nodded at the guys as he passed taking all of the attention in stride before reaching his class.