[color=ed1c24]WARNING: This RP may deal with heavy subject matter. No, seriously. (Should've said this earlier.)[/color] "But Susan, the applicants are gonna be here soon." "Real sorry Lizzie but me and Ling need to get to school! We need to catch up!" "Susan, we're superheroes! We can skip a few classes!" "But Ling! We transferred in the middle of the term! We've missed a lot!" "Ugh!" [u]Arisu Arata (BlackCat) Yamimori and Akai Kurokawa (Polaris North)[/u] The three of you were asked to head to a certain address. Most likely you knew this address since it was one of the biggest mansions in Nerima, Tokyo as well as being the new headquarters of the first and only superhero team in the world, 'Steel Fish'. As to why they were suddenly kicked out of their original headquarters in the United States was a question no one you knew could answer. Brood over that if you would like but the three of you first came upon a set of black gates that provided an entrance to a two-meter tall wall of snow white color that stretched for a couple of kilometers. A radio on the gate told the three of you to come inside and inside you went. On the other side of the gate was a wide path of cobblestone surrounded by what seemed to be a forest that lead to the main building. After a five minute walk through the cobblestone pavement, you reach the main building, or rather, mansion. Windows dotted the mansion's white walls and its roofs were rose red in color. You could only see its front which contained a set of large, wooden doors over a balcony held up by four pillars. The doors were frantically opened and out came were two young girls, both wearing school uniforms. One had short blonde hair and blue eyes and wore glasses while the other was smaller but had longer, red hair tied to a ponytail. The two saw you and the blonde one's eyes sparked with excitement. "Oh hi~!" The blonde one greeted you. "I'm Susan Edison also known as 'High Voltage' and this is Hua Ling, 'Rapid Star'!" The blonde introduced. "Hello." Ling also greeted though not with the same enthusiasm as Susan's. "I'm really sorry but me and Ling have school today but Lizzie and Rinko is available and will show you everything." Susan quickly explained before grabbing Ling's hand. "Come on Ling, we're gonna be late!" "Ah, Susan! Let go of me!" After the two superheroes had left for their academics, you turn back to the opened doors to see a another girl. Though more of a woman as she stood in an elegant posture and wore a dress similar to that of a French maid's. She also wore a pair of ant antennae along with the headdress. "You must be the new applicants for Steel Fish. I am Elizabeth Chelsie also known as 'Ant Girl'. Pleased to meet you." She introduced herself and bowed. "Please come in." Elizabeth lead you inside the mansion and into the area that branched off to other areas. On both of your sides were stairwells that lead to the second floor while on the top-left and top-right were hallways. The opposite side lead to what seemed to be the backyard. "We're going to see your skills for ourselves and we've hired a Tavern patron to help us out." Elizabeth explained as she lead the three of you to the backyard. "But of course, you three will have to introduce yourselves. So, who wants to go first?" [u]Jacob Nielsen (Nylic)[/u] The sound of beeping woke you up, snapping you to the reality of being inside your room as a super agent of the United States. You remember the previous night: You were taken to an underwater facility near Guantanamo Bay via submarine. That happened in the middle of the night so the officer that escorted you there told you to get some rest and that you did. You haven't unpacked your belongings and so your room was still undecorated. Whether to decorate it or not was up to you but not right now as a knock on the metal door that lead in and out of the room. You open the door and see a caucasian bald man with a stern face and brown eyes wearing a green general's outfit with some medals and badges on it. "Mister Nielsen, I trust you had a good night's sleep? Well you better 'cause we're starting your orientation right now." He moved aside to show yet another man of darker skin tone with a shaved with a less menacing face and black eyes. He wore a black jacket over a black shirt and a pair of green cargo pants. "This is former U.S. Marine Sergeant John Keller. He'll be showing you the this and thats around here." Without saying a goodbye nor introducing himself, the general left you alone with John. "He's General Bath by the way." John said to you. "Come on, kid. You can brush your teeth and wash your face after the grand tour of the super branch of the C.I.A." As you walked out of your room and followed the ex-Marine through the steel corridors of the underwater facility, John spoke up. "Who are you again, kid? The boys keeping track of the supers haven't really made a profile of you yet."