The lift door opened to an coarse-looking corridor, as was typical of the back of house meant for staff and not esteemed guests. Tindy stepped out with her shielded arm held forward. It was quiet and the soft clacks her heels made on the concrete floor rang loud to her ears. She swallowed hard and licked her dry lips, breathing deep to calm her nerves. The corner mirror on the ceiling showed no Crazy at the intersection, so she hurried a little towards the kitchen of the sushi restaurant in the hope of sneaking through the short cut to the restaurant Top Floor, where she knew her BFFL Ella had been rostered. Tindy pushed past the plastic door strips and her mouth dropped to almost let out a scream. Blood was everywhere, on the walls, on the appliances, on the floor pooled and coming from a dead body. The Crazy murderers were still alive, a chef and a girl, conspiring in words she couldn't catch - they worked in teams! she realized. Tindy slowly backed away, when her heel squished on a piece of fish which flew away on the slippery floor and clanged into a metal container. [@EnergyWhale] [@McHaggis]