A strong blizzard was sweeping through the frozen forests of the north just outside of Winterhold, something Keldir had forced himself to try to get used t through his travels but had never managed to get over it, so being in the harshest place in skyrim during a blizzard was not the most pleasant experience for Keldir. "Damm this frozen waste" Keldir said to himself as he pulled his hood down even further while trying to navigate through the icy wind and ground deep with snow "If there are no books worth my time here im going to sink the rest of that dammed town into the sea" he said bitterly for the last few years he had not come across any books worth his time which only added to his irratble state as he thought about it as he marched on. After a few more hours of trekking through the snow, Keldir saw a stream of blue light coming out of the ground, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him at first but sure enough as he got closer he saw the great stone beast that was supposedly the College of Winterhold, the only reason to come to Skyrim and even then it wasnt a very good one. Keldir marched further down the hill towards the town until he reached the gates of the College. A young elven woman greeted him and after explaining for what he had come for and a rather grandioese display of magic, Keldir breathed a sigh of relief as he was allowed in. Keldir, now unsure where to go exactly as the elven woman had given him no directions, looked around for someone to give him some. Keldir spotted a young man sitting in the courtyard and approached him "Greetings, would you be able to give me directions by any chance?"