They walked in silence for a bit, which Amelia loved. The awkward pauses were basically what motivated her to start conversations in the first place. It was the slight coloring their cheeks put on and the very specific body language clusters which Amelia looked for and got excited about. Unfortunately, Rose didn't seem awkward, he had rather an absent minded look which Amelia attributed to what had just happened. She knew she should be concerned. The Roosevelt, the station they were going to be docked at in between missions, had just been utterly destroyed. In the back of her mind Amelia knew they were in trouble but somehow she wasn't feeling it. The bright chrome walls of the Vigilance were already working their magic on her, she felt safer inside the bowels of a star ship that she had done for over a year, back on earth. Anything was better than prison, even a glorious death. They were headed to their first objective now, Amelia reasoned ONI and the ESA would put 2+2 together and assume they knew nothing about it. However, the jobsworths back in Sol looooooved to make a fuss out of this kind of thing. Although even if they did now want to capture them, they'd have a hell of a time catching up now that they had a state of the art cutter. There was the possibility that the ESA had put some kind of remote kill switch which enabled them to override the Vigilance's systems and put them on whatever course they chose. She'd flag it up at this meeting. Rose started talking. His voice was gruff and at odds with the clean hallway in front of them. "Who says i haven't?" Amelia shot a cheeky glance over to him. After a few more seconds of silence she spoke up again. "I've always loved machines. My father owns an industrial complex back on Earth so i had a pretty free run of things. I eventually started going around with the pilots that tested out all the new spaceships, you know? By the time i joined the Academy i could practically fly every Alliance ship out at that time, and some that weren't even on sale yet." Amelia could hear her accent slipping out so she stopped talking. She could remember one of the pilots she'd befriended being present at the trial. He had tried so hard to remain on her side but pressure from his superiors had meant he stopped turning up to the court house. They reached the conference room; a few people were already there. Rose sat near the captain but all of a sudden Amelia felt too on edge to sit. She grasped the back of a chair with both hands and leaned very slightly on it from behind. A couple more of the crew filed in, some of the Aliens, a few new faces. There were more to come but Amelia couldn't keep quiet. "So what's the plan, keep calm and carry on?"