Honestly speaking, Akai didn't like Keith's words towards all three of them. She had heard of this legendary Keith North from her uncle before as the latter was part of the Tavern. She didn't want to fight him head on right now but if this is truly the only way to get into Steel Fish, then she had no choice. As she prepared to attack, she noticed that her brother was already itching to get into a fight. "Sure, go ahead." She said. Yamimori grinned as he heard his sister allow him to be the first to fight Keith North. He placed himself before Keith and took his lighter out. He flicked it open and pressed it down, the fire appearing. "You know, you've always been my idol!" He exclaimed as he expanded the fire towards Keith for a distraction while making himself a flaming sword. He immediately jumped back once the sword has been formed and assumed a battle stance, one hand occupied with the sword and the other holding the lighter. He then sent another wave of flames towards Keith if he ever dodges the first one.