Ro'Essel's mind was open now and the errant thoughts of the crew filtered through her like some chaotic storm. She was slightly off center lost in their fears, excitement and anger the noise of their undisciplined minds almost staggering. But all this was better than the emptiness of solo thought of feeling so alone. She could sense in the humans a primary need to band together as their was among hers and even though they were unaware of it they all possessed a rudimentary gestalt. Desperate Ro'Essel allowed their gestalt to touch her so that she might be included in their company. As the human gestalt joined with her she was shocked by their hyper aggressive nature, humans it seemed were very warlike. As warborn Ro'Essel wasn't as intimidated as the softer castes of her people would have been; she was only surprised to find they were keyed to fight even in the absense of an enemy. As she walked into the conference room Ro caught from some there an innate distrust and even hatred directed towards herself and the other non-humans. So as she took her seat she pondered the meaning of their paranoia.