David smiled at the girl who had suddenly shown up. If he was startled, he didn't show it. He followed her silently, looking around the place like a tourist, and generally admiring the mansion. It wasn't any place he was used to living in, that was for sure. The reason he was here was obvious of course: He wanted to apply to be part of Steel Fish. Of course, that part wasn't guaranteed, and David knew for a fact that he wasn't very good working in groups for several reasons, but he figured that he'd have an easier time operating with an organization of good merit supporting him. Besides, having someone to watch your back was always a dream of his. When the two of them neared the courtyard and the girl introduced herself as Rinko, David gave a small grin and introduced himself as well. "Nice to meet you, Rinko . . . san. It is '-san' right? Anyway, it's nice to meet you," he said, looking down at her and bowing slightly. Seriously, he'd heard that the members of Steel Fish were mostly preteens like him, but Christ she was [i]tiny.[/i] Not like that was going to change the facts about her though. She was still one of the most dangerous heroes in the world to face. David wouldn't forget that. "I assume this 'Lizzie' person is one of the people fighting there?" he asked, pointing at the courtyard. "Or is it that one girl standing to the side there?"