Jimmy grunted in approval at Diana, "you're right, but if we launch ourselves our own personal rescue mission, we're going to get dead pretty quick. We don't know how many of these maniacs there are, and we don't know if they're smart enough to [b]hide their intentions[/b]. We'll save who we can on our way to th-" Jimmy spun on the spot after hearing an odd bang behind him, slicing his spear through the air and expecting it to catch flesh. It didn't. Instead, his eyes fell upon another pretty and scared face. By the look of her garb, she was one of the several cocktail waitresses serving on the Hipppo's Destiny... though he didn't recognise her. "Speak sense, or I'll run you through lass," Jimmy said, spacing his feet apart in preparation to strike. Though before the new comer could respond, the door on the other side of the sushi kitchen swung open. Jimmy turned to face the new threat, holding his spear up. Internally, his mind screamed as it entered a heightened state of the 'fight or flight' mentality. The newest offender to have spiked Jimmy's adrenaline levels, was a giant of a man, built like an ogre but with the face of a prince. "You too, good lookin'," Jimmy spat. "Make sense or you get this in your throat!" [@Fillet] [@Jack] [@McHaggis]