Yuga's arrival to the academy wasn't worth noting. Her trip through the Black Gale was equally uninteresting as it was oddly peaceful, and the scenery appeared to be the same as the last time she had gone through it back in her days at the academy. She wasn't sure if this was because the Black Gale was more static than Yuga had remembered or something else entirely. She still recorded everything she saw in the event her creators pick up on something she didn't. Upon landing at the Academy grounds Yuga bowed towards her Griffon and thanked it for it's services. And announcement was made shortly after her arrival for all students to head towards the main hall. Yuga could already see a crowd of students make their way towards the hall so Yuga just followed them. Her feet made a soft crunching sound in the snow, leaving behind hand-shaped prints in the immaculate white. Yuga made records of each of the students she saw in the event that she would see more of them and took record of their appearance, belongings, demeanor, and even voice if she could hear and isolate it from the rabble. Everyone looks sufficiently prepared for the school, but would they have the skills to back up their equipment? Eventually Yuga found her way into the main hall and found herself a place to sit. She had to manipulate her auxiliary arms in such a way that she wouldn't end up accidentally hitting someone else, but they were a bit tedious to maneuver. Yuga sat patiently and waited for the opening speech. When Ier arrived Yuga already knew that this wasn't going to be a long speech. Ier was never really the type to care about professionalism, as Yuga figured. She guessed it was due to being politically untouchable; the position of Head Master was important to both Lucis and Earth and neither side could would react well if their Head Master was fired. It also made things no easier since Ier was practically immortal and liked to flaunt it. Yuga's handlers disliked Ier and made it known to her that they wanted him replaced, but only if they could find someone better to take his position. She wasn't sure why they told her this, though she assumed that at some point she'd have a hand in the change in power. After Ier's speech he told everyone to look under their seat for a number. Yuga reached down and pulled out a slip of paper with the number 297. She assumed that someone somewhere in this crowd had another slip of paper with her number. Yuga was curios as to what the faculty wanted them to do if they found their person with their number. A simple meet-and-greet perhaps? Would this determine their partners for the year? Yuga couldn't say for certain. So Yuga started to see if she could pick up on the school's WiFi signal.