[h1][b]Neo-Umbrella Parking Lot, Siberia[/b][/h1] Julius prepared the next step in his plan: The Fade-Out. He transmitted a message through to all nearby receivers: PA, two-way radio, listening device, all of them. Julius spoke with as grizzly a voice as possible, to enhance the effect of his words. "Atten-shun all Shadow Eternity personnel, the UMMA has entered the area! Begin Tactical Operation [i]Fade-Out![/i] We've already got what we need, let the Russians deal with their [i]own[/i] problems! All units, rendezvous at Point L3 for debriefing and interrogation of Umbrella personnel! [i]MOVE IT![/i]" Squads Beta, Delta, and Eta immediately set into action. Moving as quickly as possible, they piled into the remaining three drop pods in the parking lot and on the roof, six to the parking lot pods and two to the roof pod. As soon as everyone was secure, Julius entered a sequence into his pod's console. With a terrible noise like a crowd of people saying "wop" in unison, all four pods warped away, leaving only imprints in the snow and the corpses of Privates Wilhelm and Howie. [h1][b]Bottom of the [i]Looking Glass[/i] Shaft, Neo-Umbrella Facility, Siberia[/b][/h1] Deeper within the facility, Squads Alpha, Gamma, Zeta, and VIP finally reached the bottom of the elevator shaft. Lieutenant Jack Morgan breathed a sigh of relief as his guts caught up with him, and briefly mused about how long the elevator ride was. He was confident that merely getting down this shaft would be more than sufficient to give the commandos a head start in completing their missions. "Alright, team: we're on a tight deadline. Move like you mean it! Clifford, hand me that map of yours."