Green and red lights, thats all there is. Big blinking screens of screaming men and women getting dragged off. Its sad that they all asume that he is evil but what can you do, the engins packed out a few hours into it and he lost contact to wheel house. it doesnt matter tho, he is happy in the server room, peaceful and in a area that no one will touch, "The survace corridore" even before the outbreak it sucked to go down, now the flickering lights make it worse. "Never mind, ill check the bar" to his good will there were some people there, and they diddnt look angry, they looked scared... yes. but not angry or in the mood to kill him, he pressed down on the tanoi for that area [quote=@noxlux] Ella moved her gaze from the guy to the dead girl next to him, the bad state of the girl made her shiver. Had the guy killed her or was it someone else? She asked herself. Did he have the guts to kill someone? Surely she had threatened to kill him if it was a trap, but she was sure that she wouldn't have gone through with it. [color=9e0039]"Better safe than sorry, I guess."[/color] Ella said and shrugged. She walked over to the bar, and opened a small fridge and pulled out to water bottles. She moved slightly closer to the guy and held out one of the bottles for him to take. [/quote] "Umm? Hello? Please tell me your not an army group of people? Im quite lonly in my little office and would LOVE! some company."